What people are saying about 'GOONDEEN'



What people are saying about ‘GOONDEEN’


“…Got your book. Wow! Thank you…”

Lawyer, Academic, Indigenous Activist & Founder of Cape York Institute for Policy & Leadership

“…I am blown away by Goondeen. It is totally unique and has to be considered as a textbook in schools. It would give students perspectives that they would never get from most history books. I love it…”

Lyn Traill, educator, coach & consultant

‌“…Firstly I congratulate you for the initiative and hard work in developing the concept and then the production of the book. In Uncle Albert, Everald and Henry you certainly picked some very interesting characters as well as the topics for their observations.

I enjoyed reading the book. Not only interesting and insightful but in parts some challenging comments. There was a lot of alignment in the observations of Uncle Albert, Everald and Henry but even where they differed Sophie was able to identify some common ground. Interestingly I thought the comments by Uncle Albert were often the most pragmatic. Perhaps his life experiences have made him more cautious. Not surprisingly I don’t agree with some of the comments made and at times I thought suggestions for change were a bit simplistic. But overall there is plenty of food for thought.

I hope the book stimulates wider discussion and becomes a catalyst for some of the changes identified in the book…”

Ian Williams, AO, retired senior mining executive


“…For anyone who grew up during the 50’s and 60’s, many of these events may be familiar, especially to those who have spent time in communities or more remote areas. The political approaches of the contributors and the government decisions during our history as Australia resonate well in current times. Goondeen is an easy read and interesting perspective on the development of Australia since white occupation and the impacts of government decisions on individuals. The positive approach of the contributors encourages us all the look for solutions and to work together for a better future for all…”

Robin Rayner, Educationalist


“…It’s a really interesting tome…”

Mal Walker, Chairman, Aust. Interim Executive Association


“…Enjoying Goondeen. Congratulations – it is a great story – or series of stories.

Would be an excellent textbook for schools, as I do not think the younger people know much about our history.  This is an interesting approach as these men could be their grandfathers. Well done…”

Ian Benjamin, Trainer, Consultant & Author


“…Congratulations on bringing Goondeen to fruition. It is a credit to all involved…”

Jim Reay, author, and retired school principal


“…I found it imaginatively constructive and appropriately challenging. It is good to know that its sequel is on the way…”

Gordon Sargood, retired History/English teacher


“…It should be mandatory reading for all Aussies. A great reminder of many incidents that happened in our lifetime, like Tampa. Just reinforces how terrible our government/politicians are. They really should be listening to the rest of the “world”; instead of “bleating” about themselves constantly. A very provocative view that applies to all Australia, not just Qld…”

Nanette Morel, Retired Educationalist & Social Worker


“…succinct and something that will fit on the Australian literacy mantelpiece for many years to come…”

Yvette Holt, multi-award winning poet, academic & comedienne


“…I found this book a very interesting read – it’s well structured and presents three excellent, intelligent and quite compelling viewpoints.

My only criticism is that perhaps a “right of centre” viewpoint might have made it a more balanced recount of these significant aspects of Australia’s collective psyche and history – but that is not a criticism of the three voices we hear. I enjoyed reflecting on the various topics!

In fact, I’ll happily re-read it again in a couple of years’ time.

I think it’s an important book for young Australians to read. Well done!!…”


Ian Fitzgerald (88 years old), Retired Farmer


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